We are excited to announce that Chabad of the Berkshires 20th edition of our popular color calendar for 5785 is in the works.
You can help us offer the complete Calendar & program guide to over 10,000 people & businesses across the Berkshires.
Thanks to YOU, we can provide this service to the community. For many it is their guide to the Jewish New Year, Holidays and Traditions and for some, it is their only Jewish connection.
The calendar plays a big role in strengthening our community. Therefore, we would appreciate your partnership and participation to ensure the calendar project comes to fruition.
Please put in your Business ads and/or Jewels (Birthdays & Special Occasions) and/or New Year greeting below. You have an option to pay your donation up to 12 months if needed.
May you and your family be blessed with health, happiness, abundance and may we see each other again VERY SOON!