Dear Friends,
We are currently offering you the opportunity to personalize the calendar with your greetings, your family’s birthdays and loved ones’ Yahrzeits. The calendar will feature space for New Year greetings, Yahrtzeits, birthdays and anniversaries printed in the date of the occasion. Chabad’s calendar is also a good investment for your advertising dollars. Unlike ads in the local newspapers that have a very short life span, potential customers will view our colorful and informative Jewish Calendar the whole year round, thus providing maximum return for your dollar. It will be displayed in homes and offices throughout the community; thus insuring optimum visibility for your products or services. We will be mailing copies of the calendar free of charge, which will be viewed by over 5,000 people throughout the community. Above each month’s page, we’ve reserved an eye-catching space to advertise your business or to place your family’s special occasions, i.e. Bar/Bat Mitzvah, weddings, etc. Got a date? Make sure its recorded so we can all celebrate with you! Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations & milestone occasions - mark them in the Chabad House Calendar! Starting at only $18 a listing, let your event be known! See YOUR name in the calendar. Advertise your business, share your special day, sponsor a program or sponsor a kiddush. Please submit your information via our website, by filling out the form below, indicating how you would like to participate in the Community Calendar. Please call us at 413-499-9899 with any questions. Digital ads may be emailed as a JPEG file to [email protected]
Please enter ad or greeting copy, below (optional) Or email them to [email protected]: For multiple ads, please email us at [email protected]
Please charge my credit card (below) I will mail my Payment to: